What is the SET Project?

The Student Experience Transcript (SET)Project has an end goal of providing students with an experiential record, or Student Experience Transcript.  As an official record of a student’s curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular experiential learning, the SET is a supplement to the academic transcript that will help reflect a student’s complete University experience.

By managing these experiences through a new central platform, faculty and staff can help ensure the SET reflects a more holistic view of our students’ experiences. As a bonus, reporting and curation of student experiences promises to be easier for faculty and staff users and more consistent across campus.

So what types of experiences will be included? Examples that could be managed through the new platform include:

  • Cooperative Education
  • Applied Studies
  • Volunteer experience
  • Study abroad
  • Internships
  • Practicum placements
  • Athletics
  • Leadership roles with ULSU, GSA
  • Workshop participation
  • Research

All experiences will be managed and validated through the platform and a self-reflection component is also being developed where students can explore the competencies they are developing. The goal is to present students with a vocabulary they can use to articulate the value and impact of their experiences as they enter the job market.

For more information or to learn how you and your department can get involved, contact Kyra Gillert, Experiential Education Advisor, k.gillert@uleth.ca