JDC What?? | Lindsey

Firstly, wow am I ever awful at maintaining this blog. Secondly, how on earth is it October already?? I hope you all had a fantastic first month of school, and are starting to settle into the “study, study, study” mentality required to do well for school.

My excuse for such a poorly maintained blog is something I’ve been alluding to all summer. JDC West – the largest student-run business competition in western Canada. 11 schools will compete in January at the competition in Edmonton, but in the meantime, we’re all recruiting and training our teams. I’m the captain of the U of L team, and so far, we’re having a blast!

We spent the second week of September recruiting like crazy. We painted the UWall an absolutely obnoxious shade of orange (our team colour), we had tables in Markin and the Uhall Atrium, and we handed out orange suckers in class presentations like mad people. The end result was almost 80 applications for 46 spots!

That translated into sport and social tryouts over a weekend and Wednesday evening, and 58 interviews crammed into 5 days (while still getting to class and finishing all assignments in time!). I was crazy to think that last Monday, after having completed interviews and team offers, that life would immediately return to normal. Apparently, it’s taken a week to transition. I have finally done laundry (it’s probably been almost a month due to lack of time and loonies – I was wearing clothes I hadn’t worn in a looooong time last week!), I’ve loaded up on groceries, caught up on my readings for class, and now – I’m catching up on blogging.

This has been a very long post essentially just talking about how busy I am. How does this relate to you? Plan ahead! I ended up being 45 minutes late to a meeting this week because I was operating off the wrong schedule (phone vs. google calendars vs. paper calendar) – this is so easy to fix! Make sure you’re constantly looking ahead so that an assignment, group meeting, or holiday (holy crap it’s Thanksgiving next weekend) doesn’t blindside you!

I promise to try and be better at blogging regularly. Have a great pre-TURKEY week!!!

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